Science and Inequity: Local and Global Struggles for Health and Environmental Justice

Saturday, November 19, 4 – 6 p.m. on Zoom

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Please join us for our fifth Making Science Work for Social Justice Workshop! Many of us have seen how science has helped us in our own lives, but are those benefits equitably distributed? This workshop will focus on how science, as developed within our current power structures, contributes to inequity at both local and global levels. We will also explore how people can mobilize scientific knowledge to address inequities, especially in the realms of health and environmental justice.

We expect lively discussions among community members, academics, students, and educators interested in changing the questions that scientific institutions prioritize, the forms of knowledge that are valued, the policies that get developed, and the ways the fruits of science are shared. Everyone will leave with meaningful connections knowing they’ve helped envision a more equitable science.

Our workshop is intended for a wide audience with diverse perspectives. At the core of our solidarity science philosophy is a focus on reaching multiple experiences and understandings to solve problems and improve the science itself. We invite participants to demand more from the scientific community, to create a coalition, to listen to each other better, to critique the role of science in our lives, and rather than ask, “how do we fix this?”, question who we need at the table to fix this. Everyone is warmly welcome at this lively, exciting, and provocative workshop – join us!